Cinnamon, Red & Hot!

English: Leaves of the cinnamomum verum plant....
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And Yahweh spoke to Moshe, saying, ‘And take for yourself choice spices…250 [shekels or 6.25 lbs] of sweet smelling cinnamon…[Exodus 30:23]

And you shall make from these a qodesh [holy] anointing oil…[v.25].


  • Cinnamon is the 2nd spice or herb mentioned for the anointing oil. [Myrrh, the 1st,  represented the bitter sweet death of the Son of El Elyon, Yeshua, at Golgotha; given to Him as a babe, & used at His death.]
  • Cinnamon[cinnamomum verum] is from the small evergreen of laurel. It contains eugenol similar to clove or camphor oil, taken from young tree shoots or branches [~like the young spout from the root of Jesse, Isaiah 11:1] . Cinnamon leaves can be used like bay leaves.
  • The Hebrew for cinnamon is “kinna“, for jealousy, from burn to be zealous, and “min“, form or appearance : kinna min, the appearance of jealousy!
  • Cinnamon represents the red hot love, the holy passion, the godly jealousy for the honor and glory of Yahweh in a servant with the heart of righteousness: Yeshua!
  • See the righteous zeal and jealousy for the Father’s glory, John/ Yochanan 2:14-17 :

Yeshua found in the Temple those selling oxen & sheep & doves, & the moneychangers sitting.

And having made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the Temple, with the sheep & oxen, and poured out the moneychangers’ coins & overturned tables.

And He said to those selling doves, Take these away! Do not make the house of My Father a house of merchandise!

And His talmidim [disciples] remembered that it was written [in the Scriptures, TaNaKH], ‘ Because ardour  for Your house has eaten me up [Psalms 69:9]’ !

David, who looked forward to his Master Yeshua, in Psalms 110:1,  also declared :

I  walk around Your altar, O Yahweh, to raise a voice of thanksgiving, and to declare all Your wonders. Yahweh, I have loved the abode of Your House, and the place where Your esteem dwells {Psalms 26:6b-8}!

Holy love is the person of Yeshua through His death, shed blood and resurrection! He alone will purge the house of Yahweh! He is the lover of our souls, the Only Holy One who can truly cleanse us & set us on fire with His Spirit! His own temple, His body, He laid low in death, for us. Yeshua bore cruelty with the burning love of Yahweh!  He says to us now,

Cinnamomum verum, from ''Köhler's Medicinal Pl...

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Put me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm [as a signet ring];  For love is as strong as death, Jealousy as cruel as the grave;  Its flames are flames of fire, A flame of YAH!  7 Many waters are unable to extinguish love & floods do not wash it away.  If one would give all the wealth of his house for love,  it would be utterly scorned [Song of Songs 8:6-7]!

So we see how cinnamon represents this “evergreen” ever unchanging devotion or zeal which never withers nor gives up on us! HalleluYah!

Cinnamon is great as a tea; it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. So try a cup of red hot cinnamon and spice up your life!

Cinnamon in the anointing oil represents, in conclusion, Yahweh’s holy jealousy for His honor and glory, in the heart of His Righteous Servant, Yeshua :

Yeshua said to them [the Pharisees], ‘You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your hearts, because what is highly thought of among men is an abomination in the sight of Elohim…the reign of Elohim is being announced & everyone is doing violence upon it [Luke 16:15]!

Yeshua Ha MashiahBe a servant as passionate and zealous as Yeshua for the glory & honor of His Kingdom !


Yahweh sends fire from heaven to consume Elija...

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I have learned there are no coincidences in the hands of our Sovereign Yahweh ” I AM THAT I AM “[Exodus 3:15] .

My 9th day of a partial fast [on the threshing floor  ,  a quiet “National Prayer Day [US] ”  May 5, 2011, I took study notes  & wanting my friend to visit me, I visited her, on the way to food marketing.

This message,  but more the hope and faith behind it, is what I shared with Brenda:

  • if we are travailing or moaning, it may be an act of YHWH [GOD]  in Spirit, who is groaning [Romans 8:26-27]
  • our life is in travail, trials, tribulation & a lot of stress, toil & trouble
  •  our stance or posture : condition, our situation; our mental or spiritual attitude and frame of mind!
  • limited mindset: posture not understanding our situation, leads to
  • state of trouble : malfunctioning ; we are out of order! not functioning , ——–> breakdown, look for sympathy, suicidal, dangerous, ”touch n’ agree”, woeful, depressed
  • believer in Je’sus Messiah: new creation; all things passed , all things new
  • GOD’s plan for us: He has in mind a plan for us [Jeremiah 29]
  • we are in transition: passage from one state, position, condition or activity to another; the time of this passage
  • spiritual transition: feel the struggle but in mindset ” no fear, Je’sus Messiah is here, enemy gone!”
  • rewind, reposition : get back together after the stretch or pressure
  • DO NOT BLAME the enemy! : IT IS A TEST! WE ARE BEING TESTED! do not say ”the….made me do it!”
  • put the house in order: dissect the problem; if finances, handle better
  • GOD shows us the power to get again; if lost, to restore, in Jesus ‘s  Name
  • Job lost all, but did not stay in a negative mindset of travail and doom [Book of Job]
  • Trouble: see it as transition; being given an opportunity to reposition & rearrange self, in GOD! **
  • GOD will bless as check self ; He will help dig self out of pit; get right mindset; look for the Divine Connection who came in the Name & Know Who He Is! [Read PSALM 69]
  • PROBLEM: PRAISE is too small rather than the battle too big! GOD does bring us out, if we ask Him!**
  • FACE TO FACE:  what kind of face do you give Him? one of awe, worship or feelings of hurt, anger…flesh face or spiritual face?**
  • STAND: the enemy may come in but….stand fast
  • TAKE ON THE MIND OF CHRIST: His mindset—>stability while our mindset may lead us to trouble; the mind is a battlefield with flesh; do not be double-minded [James]
  • Studies on the brain show grooves and patterns established in an ordered disciplined pleasing GOD mind; the ”everywhere” mind has no pattern!
  • The cortex, back part of the brain, holds information we have read, for the future: ”The LORD shall dwell with the future man.” Principles help stabilize as we stand for the future, keep our mind on the future, hope in the future. Cortex: hope; Frontal: anxiety; Limbic: emotions
  • The Holy Spirit works in our cortex to become our Comforter; to stabilize, intercede for us; call on the Name of Je’sus!
  • Speak the Word vs. Feeling Forsaken: Know that you can not be plucked out of His Hand! Know Scripture! NO weapon formed against you shall prosper! Praise with scriptures in your mind & hand! Shout to the LORD!

As I am teaching the above, my attention was drawn to the picture living room window across from me, so I put on my glasses. A white breasted dove with silver-lined wings and head hovered ! I looked over to Brenda, urging her to look ! The dove hovered as if suspended in time, and then was gone! I asked Brenda if she understood what had just happened? She stated she had asked GOD the night before, for a vision from Him.  I said, You just had your vision!

Then I explained what just happened: just as when the earth was without life, her life had been void; her husband committed suicide in the back shed and her 2 sons left home; feeling forsaken, she has found new life in JESUS> PRAISE has been on her lips and mind lately too.

So out of the darkness of the deep, the Ruach or Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters. And Elohim said, Let there be Light: and Light was. [Genesis 1: 2-3]

So out of her darkness, without life, the Ruach hovered over the Rivers of Living Waters. Brenda has become ” a friend of YHWH” who proclaims let there be Light , and breathes on her.The dove confirms the pleasure of the Father for her! The Ruach as a dove descended sent from Heaven as if to say, ‘ You are my beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased’! [see Mark 1:11]  The dove may mark the beginning of a ministry being birthed, as immediately for Je’sus; after the baptism, and descent of the Dove, He was driven into the wilderness for 40 days, tempted by satan, and attended by the heavenly angels. [v.12-13] The dove which was used for offerings also, by the poor, marks her sacrificial offering, guilt offering or purification offering . [Leviticus 1:14, 5:7, 12:6]

Dove, in Hebrew, is yonah, moaner from ana, to moan. Doves nest in the clefts of the rocks or holes of houses, called dovecotes. Psalm 55: 6 speaks of lamentation or sadness, ‘wishing to escape like a dove and be at rest.’  Psalm 74:19 states YHWH is the defender of the dove. Psalm 68:14 compares the irridescent silvery sheen of the dove to the cloud YHWH rides. The dove of the valley will flee to the mountains for safety.

Brenda had her vision! Me too! HalleluYah! The dove flew to the window looking for a place to rest, as the dove with the olive branch flew to Noah’s ark.  When Je’sus came to John the Immerser, the Holy Spirit found a place to rest on Him. May the Ruach HaKadosh set on us and rest on us and in us too. May the dove find a place to rest with you!

And suddenly there came a sound from the shamayim [the heavens] as of a groaning Ruach, and it filled all the Bayit [ the house] where they were sitting.” [Acts 2: 2]

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Ruach upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the female servant in those days will I pour out My Ruach.” [Joel 2:28, 29]

End of Flab

A Visitation by the Dove

As I am teaching, my attention was drawn to the picture living room window across from me, so I put on my glasses. A white breasted dove with silver-lined wings and head hovered ! I looked over to Brenda, urging her to look ! The dove hovered as if suspended in time, and then was gone! I asked Brenda if she understood what had just happened? She stated she had asked GOD the night before, for a vision from Him. I said, You just had your vision!
